Universitas Brawijaya Meriahkan PORMAFIA dengan Perlombaan E-Sport Mobile Legends di MCC

Universitas Brawijaya Meriahkan PORMAFIA dengan Perlombaan E-Sport Mobile Legends di MCC

MALANG – Jumat, 24 Mei 2024, Universitas Brawijaya menggelar pekan perlombaan esports Mobile Legends yang terbuka untuk umum di Malang Creative Center (MCC). Acara yang diikuti oleh sekitar 100 peserta ini berlangsung dari pukul 08.00 hingga 18.00 WIB di lantai 5, Amphitheater 1, MCC.

Instagram @mafiosofiaub
  PORMAFIA, atau Pekan Olahraga Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi, adalah ajang perlombaan olahraga yang rutin diadakan oleh MAFIOSO (Master Fight Organization of Sport). MAFIOSO merupakan wadah bagi mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya untuk menyalurkan bakat dan minat dalam berbagai cabang olahraga seperti voli, basket, futsal, bulutangkis, tenis meja, hingga esports Mobile Legends.
Dok. Media Production MCC
  Galang Merdichanova, penanggung jawab acara, menjelaskan bahwa PORMAFIA bertujuan untuk menyaring minat dan bakat mahasiswa FIA UB dalam bidang olahraga, serta mengusung tema sportivitas dan kebersamaan. Sebagai kelanjutan acara yang dapat diikuti secara umum, PORMAFIA menghadirkan cabang perlombaan esports melalui aplikasi game Mobile Legends di MCC.

  Dalam perlombaan ini, peserta dibagi menjadi beberapa tim. Pertandingan semakin seru dengan perebutan kejuaraan yang terbagi menjadi tiga pemenang. Keseruan semakin memuncak dengan pertandingan antara tim LumberJack vs. Staffsus Kemenpar, serta babak final antara tim Lumba-Lumba vs BC Yellow untuk perebutan juara ketiga.
Dok. Media Production MCC
  Galang juga menyatakan kepuasannya terhadap kelancaran acara ini. Menurutnya, pemilihan MCC sebagai lokasi PORMAFIA 2024 sangat tepat. “Karena di MCC tempatnya strategis, peralatannya sudah disediakan, dan juga tanpa dipungut biaya,” jelasnya.

  Selain itu, Galang juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada MCC yang telah menyediakan ruangannya untuk rangkaian kegiatan PORMAFIA oleh MAFIOSO Universitas Brawijaya tahun ini. Dukungan dari Malang Creative Center diharapkan dapat terus berlanjut untuk acara-acara serupa di masa mendatang.

  Dengan suksesnya penyelenggaraan PORMAFIA 2024, Universitas Brawijaya melalui Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi kembali menunjukkan komitmennya dalam mendukung perkembangan bakat dan minat mahasiswa di bidang olahraga, termasuk esports. Acara ini tidak hanya menjadi ajang kompetisi tetapi juga wadah untuk membangun sportivitas, kebersamaan, dan keterampilan manajemen diri bagi para peserta.
Dok. Media Production MCC
  PORMAFIA 2024 diharapkan dapat terus menginspirasi dan memberikan kontribusi positif bagi pengembangan diri mahasiswa, serta menjadi bagian penting dalam perjalanan pendidikan dan pengembangan minat di bidang olahraga di Universitas Brawijaya. (Tan/Aur).
[English Version]

Brawijaya University Enlivens PORMAFIA with Mobile Legends Esports Competition at MCC

MALANG – On Friday, May 24, 2024, Brawijaya University held a Mobile Legends esports competition week open to the public at the Malang Creative Center (MCC). The event was attended by around 100 participants and took place from 08.00 to 18.00 WIB on the 5th floor, Amphitheater 1, MCC.

Instagram @mafiosofiaub
  PORMAFIA, or Pekan Olahraga Mahasiswa Faculty of Administrative Sciences, is a sports competition that is routinely held by MAFIOSO (Master Fight Organization of Sport). MAFIOSO is a forum for students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya to channel their talents and interests in various sports such as volleyball, basketball, futsal, badminton, table tennis, and Mobile Legends esports.
Dok. Media Production MCC
  Galang Merdichanova, the event coordinator, explained that PORMAFIA aims to screen the interests and talents of FIA UB students in sports and carries the theme of sportsmanship and togetherness. As a continuation of the event that can be followed in general, PORMAFIA presents a branch of esports competition through the Mobile Legends game application at MCC.

    In this competition, participants were divided into several teams. The match was even more exciting with the championship match, which was divided into three winners. The excitement peaked with the match between the LumberJack team vs. Kemenpar Staffsus, as well as the final round between the Dolphin vs BC Yellow team for third place.
Dok. Media Production MCC
  Galang also expressed his satisfaction with the smooth running of this event. According to him, the selection of MCC as the location of PORMAFIA 2024 is very appropriate. “Because the MCC is a strategic place, the equipment has been provided, and it is also free of charge,” he explained.

  In addition, Galang also expressed his gratitude to the MCC for providing its space for a series of PORMAFIA activities by MAFIOSO Universitas Brawijaya this year. Support from Malang Creative Center is expected to continue for similar events in the future.

  With the successful organization of PORMAFIA 2024, Universitas Brawijaya, through the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, has once again demonstrated its commitment to supporting the development of student’s talents and interests in sports, including esports. This event is not only a competition but also a place to build sportsmanship, togetherness, and self-management skills for the participants.
Dok. Media Production MCC
  PORMAFIA 2024 is expected to continue to inspire and make a positive contribution to student self-development and become an important part of the educational journey and development of interests in sports at Brawijaya University. (Tan/Aur).

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