Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka Politeknik Negeri Malang : Inspirasi dan Pengalaman Baru di Malang Creative Center

Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka Politeknik Negeri Malang : Inspirasi dan Pengalaman Baru di Malang Creative Center

MALANG – Malang Creative Center (MCC) menerima kunjungan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi Politeknik Negeri Malang, Sabtu, 30 Maret 2024. Mahasiswa-mahasiswi, yang berasal dari 18 program studi ini, merupakan peserta program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM).

Dok. Media Production MCC
  PMM merupakan program yang diinisiasi Kementerian Pendidikan, Riset, dan Kebudayaan.  Dalam program ini, para mahasiswa tersebut akan bertukar tempat selama satu semester dari satu klaster pulau ke klaster pulau lainnya. Tujuannya, agar mereka bisa mendapatkan pengalaman belajar yang beragam di perguruan tinggi Indonesia.

  Selain mengikuti jadwal perkuliahan rutin dari Senin sampai Jumat, para mahasiswa tersebut juga mengikuti Modul Nusantara. Program yang bertujuan mengenalkan potensi daerah-daerah kunjungan tersebut dihelat pada Sabtu dan Minggu. Dalam Modul Nusantara, keberagaman dan inspirasi menjadi fokus utama sehingga pemilihan MCC sebagai destinasi kunjungan tidaklah kebetulan.
Dok. Media Production MCC
  Modul Nusantara ini merupakan salah satu alasan utama kunjungan PMM Polinema ke MCC. City Planning Gallery, yang terletak di lantai 2 MCC, mahasiswa ini memiliki kesempatan untuk memperluas pengetahuan mereka tentang Kota Malang, mencakup sejarahnya dan berbagai potensi kreatif di Kota Pendidikan tersebut. Selain itu, mahasiswa juga dapat mengalami sendiri teknologi terbaru yang dipamerkan di City Planning Gallery.
  “Mereka sangat antusias belajar mengenai hal baru. Saya turut senang memperkenalkan sejarah Kota Malang hingga menjelaskan teknologi apa saja yang ada di City Planning seperti virtual walk, digital maps, self interactive dan sebagainya ke mahasiswa,” ucap Dheana selaku customer relations yang bertanggung jawab di City Planning Gallery.
Dok. Media Production MCC
  Tak hanya itu, di Amphitheater yang terletak di lantai 5, mahasiswa juga diperkenalkan kepada berbagai contoh ekonomi kreatif yang ada di Kota Malang melalui kehadiran pelaku ekonomi kreatif. Melalui kegiatan ini, diharapkan interaksi langsung antara mahasiswa dan pelaku ekonomi kreatif akan menginspirasi mereka untuk lebih memahami potensi kreatif yang dimiliki

  Dedy Indra, dosen yang bertanggung jawab atas pengadaan Modul Nusantara dari Politeknik Negeri Malang, menyampaikan kesan positif dari para mahasiswa terhadap kunjungan ini. 

  “Mereka sangat terkesan dengan teknologi yang disajikan di City Planning Gallery, yang memberikan banyak informasi tentang Kota Malang, termasuk sejarah dan potensi-potensi baru yang ada,” kata Dedy.

  “Saya berharap MCC dapat terus berkembang untuk memberikan informasi yang lebih luas kepada mahasiswa dan masyarakat tentang Malang Raya, sehingga dapat memperkaya pemahaman dan inspirasi bagi semua pihak,” pungkasnya. (Tan/Aur).
[English Version]

Merdeka Student Exchange of State Polytechnic of Malang: Inspiration and New Experiences at Malang Creative Center

Malang – Malang Creative Center (MCC) received a visit from students of Malang State Polytechnic on Saturday, March 30, 2024. The students, who come from 18 study programs, are participants in the Merdeka Student Exchange (PMM) program.

Dok. Media Production MCC
  PMM is a program initiated by the Ministry of Education, Research and Culture.  In this program, the students will exchange places for one semester from one island cluster to another. The goal is for them to get a diverse learning experience at Indonesian universities.

  In addition to following a regular lecture schedule from Monday to Friday, the students also follow the Nusantara Module. The program, which aims to introduce the potential of the visiting regions, is held on Saturday and Sunday. In the Nusantara Module, diversity and inspiration are the main focus, so the selection of MCC as a visit destination is not accidental.
Dok. Media Production MCC
  The Nusantara Module is one of the main reasons for PMM Polinema’s visit to MCC. At the City Planning Gallery, located on the 2nd floor of MCC, the students had the opportunity to expand their knowledge of Malang City, covering its history and the various creative potentials in the City of Education. In addition, the students were also able to experience the latest technology on display at the City Planning Gallery.
  “They are very enthusiastic about learning about new things. I am happy to introduce the history of Malang City to explain what technology is in City Planning such as virtual walk, digital maps, self interactive and so on to students,” said Dheana as the customer relations responsible for City Planning Gallery.
Dok. Media Production MCC
  Not only that, in the Amphitheater located on the 5th floor of the MCC, students are also introduced to various examples of the creative economy in Malang through the presence of creative economy actors. This activity is expected to establish direct interaction between students and creative economy actors and will inspire them to better understand their creative potential.

  Dedy Indra, the lecturer in charge of procuring the Nusantara Module from Malang State Polytechnic, conveyed the students’ positive impression of this visit.

  “They were very impressed with the technology presented in the City Planning Gallery, which provides a lot of information about Malang City, including its history and new potentials,” said Dedy.

  “I hope the MCC can continue to grow to provide wider information to students and the public about Greater Malang, so as to enrich understanding and inspiration for all parties,” he concluded. (Tan/Aur).

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